JAKARTA. PT Pegadaian (Persero), a state-owned company engaged in pawn-brokerage, will issue 2 Sukuk Mudharabah with total principal of IDR 2.22 trillion.

The offered securities consist of Shelf-Registration Sukuk Mudharabah III Phase II of IDR 808.8 billion and Social Sukuk Mudharabah Phase II of 2024 of IDR 1.41 trillion.

In the official statement, Pegadaian is said to utilise the proceeds of issuance of both sukuks as working capital, particularly for financing small and medium enterprises, along with microfinancing under sharia act.

It is worth mentioning that both sukuk issued by Pegadaian is granted an “idAAA(sy)” rating from Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) with a stable outlook.

The public offering will take place on August 21-22, 2024, with electronic distribution following on August 27 and listing on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on August 28, 2024. (KR/ZH)