JAKARTA. PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero) or SMF, a state-owned company engaged in secondary financing for housing ownership, will issue Shelf-Registration Bond VII of SMF Phase VI Year 2024 and Shelf-Registration Sukuk Musyarakah I Phase III Year 2024.

Both securities will be offered with total principal of IDR 1.69 trillion, split into IDR 1.42 trillion in Shelf-Registration Bond VII of SMF Phase VI Year 2024, and another IDR 274 billion in Shelf-Registration Sukuk Musyarakah I Phase III Year 2024.

Shelf-Registration Bond VII of SMF Phase VI Year 2024 will be offered in 3 series, with the highest coupon of 6.80% per year, and the lowest, 6.70%. The tenor set for each series ranges from 370 days to 3 years.

In the meantime, Shelf-Registration Sukuk Musyarakah I Phase III Year 2024 will be equipped with a floating yield rate, with tenor set to 370 days.

In the issued prospectus, SMF is said to utilise all proceeds of bond and sukuk issuance for housing financing activities.

The public offering of bond and sukuk of SMF will take place from August 20 to 22, 2024, while the listing on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) will follow on August 28, 2024. (KR/ZH)