JAKARTA – Foreign investment in the second quarter (Q2) of 2024 slipped 22.41% compared to the first quarter (Q1) of 2024, and 11.88% lower compared to Q2 2023.

As quoted from Indonesia Trade Balance report issued by Bank Indonesia (BI), Thursday (22/8), foreign investment was recorded at USD 4.89 billion in Q2 2024, down from USD 6.30 billion in Q1 2024. This period’s foreign investment also fell short compared to USD 5.55 million seen in Q2 2023.

Foreign investment mostly came from ASEAN region, worth USD 2.91 billion, followed by emerging market of Asia, including China of USD 1.38 billion, as well as the United States of USD 292 million, Europe of USD 257 million, and Japan of USD 229 million.

Foreign investments from emerging markets, ASEAN, and the US, were reportedly accumulated to USD 4.6 billion or 93.8% of total foreign investment target.

On the other hand, portfolio investment in Q2 2024 saw a surplus of USD 3 billion, up from deficit of USD 1.8 billion in Q1 2024. Said number was obtained from net foreign investment inflow from obligations of USD 4 billion, after reporting net foreign investment outflow of USD 0.5 billion in Q1 2024. (LK/ZH)