JAKARTA. The Indonesian government will hold another round of auction of Government Securities (lit. Surat Utang Negara/SUN) next Tuesday (17/9) with an indicative target set to IDR 22 trillion.

There were 7 series of SUN offered in the auction, consisting of 2 series of Government Treasury Notes (lit. Surat Perbendaharaan Negara/SPN) and 5 series of Government Bonds (lit. Obligasi Negara/ON).

The yield offered for SPN series is discounts, while the yields for ON series range from 6.5% to 7.12%.

All parties, both individual and institutional investors, may submit their bids in the auction. However, the bids must be submitted through auction participants authorised by the Ministry of Finance.

According to IDNFinancials data, the Indonesian government has conducted 16 rounds of SUN auction since the beginning of 2024. The accumulated incoming bids in those SUN auctions reach IDR 921.34 trillion, with awarded amount clocking up to IDR 369.61 trillion. (KR/ZH)