BEEF - PT. Estika Tata Tiara Tbk

Rp 125

+6 (+5,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Estetika Tata Tiara Tbk (BEEF) will increase its capital by IDR 10.51 billion, which are generated from the capitalisation of the premium of its stock, following the previous bonus share distribution. The decision was approved yesterday (17/9), during Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.

In the information disclosure quoted Wednesday (18/9), Ratna Sari, Corporate Secretary of BEEF, mentioned that the increase of issued and paid-up capital reaches the equivalent of 154.69 million of series B shares of IDR 68 each. With this increase, BEEF’s issued and paid-up capital will rise from 7.03 billion to 7.18 billion shares.

Prior to this, BEEF reported 7.03 billion shares in issued and paid-up capital consisting of 1.88 billion series A shares of IDR 100 each, worth IDR 188.42 billion, and 5.14 billion series B shares of IDR 68 each, worth IDR 350 billion.

After this corporate action, the issued and paid-up capital will consist of 7.18 billion shares, split into series A shares of the same number and amount, and 5.30 billion series B shares of IDR 68 each, totalling IDR 360.51 billion.

The bonus shares were distributed to shareholders, taken out of the capitalisation of stock at premium in December 2023 of IDR 10.51 billion of IDR 68 per share, setting the ratio to 500:11, which means that the owner of 500 old shares will gain 11 bonus shares. (LK/ZH)