KEJU to offer 5.98 million treasury shares to individual investors

JAKARTA. PT Mulia Boga Raya Tbk (KEJU), a manufacturer of Prochiz processed food, will offer 5,988,400 shares of its treasury stock.
Those entire shares were acquired by KEJU from a buyback that was held from April 24, 2024, to August 12, 2024. “The company plans to sell or transfer the shares gained from a buyback that will take place outside the stock exchange through negotiation market,” added the management of KEJU in the official statement.
Several parties that declare willingness to acquire the entirety of said treasury stock are namely Tina Adriani Tanudjaja, Levina Florence, Eva Rosmiaty, Herlina Setyati, and Ferry Haryanto. The management of KEJU said that these five people are not affiliated with the company.
“The offering price for these shares gained from a buyback will be set referring to Article 23 Paragraph 2 Point C Item (1) of POJK No. 29/2023,” added the management of KEJU.
Until 3.10 PM WIB today, KEJU climbed 270 points or 18.31% to IDR 1,745 per share. Assuming that KEJU will use this price for the corporate action, it will potentially collect fresh funds of up to IDR 10.45 billion from this treasury shares sale. (KR/ZH)