JAKARTA. The Indonesian government once again will hold an auction of State Sharia Securities (SBSN) or State Sukuk on Tuesday (24/9) next week, with an indicative target of IDR 8 trillion.

There are 7 series of state sukuk that will be offered in the auction, according to an official statement from the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) of the Ministry of Finance. The details consist of 2 series of SPN (State Treasury Bills) and 5 series of PBS (Project Based Sukuk).

The yield offered for the SPNS series is in the form of a discount. While the yield offered for the PBS series starts from 4.87% to 6.87%.

The auction will be held openly (open auction), using a multiple price method. All parties can submit purchase offers (bids) in the auction, through the main dealer that has been approved by the Ministry of Finance.

According to data from idnfinancials.com, the Indonesian government has held 18 state sukuk auctions since the beginning of this year. The total number of bids entered in the state sukuk auction since the beginning of the year was recorded at IDR 366.44 trillion. While the total nominal that has been won is IDR 159.87 trillion. (KR/LM)