Operating JST 1, BDDC now eyes landbank in Cikarang for new data centre

JAKARTA - Setyanto Hantoro, President Commissioner of BDDC, reveals the next step after officially operating BDDC JST 1, its latest data centre in Jatinegara, East Jakarta.
Met at Grand Opening BDDC JST 1, today (9/10), Hantoro said that the company is currently preparing a landbank in Cikarang for its next outer-city data centre.
“JST is meant as an inner-city data centre. BDDC itself has already had one semi-outer-city facility in Daan Mogot. We have prepared for another in Cikarang; yet to be built, we are still preparing the land,” claimed Hantoro.
It is in line with BDDC’s vision announced in May 2023, in which the company plans to establish 4 data centres within the enxt 3 years.
With the landbank preparation in Cikarang, the scope of BDDC’s data centres has spanned from Western Jakarta, South-East Jakarta, and Eastern Jakarta. Another data centre is projected to be built in Central-North Jakarta.
“So, we have South-East, West-Tangerang, and Cikarang. The only region left is central to north [Jakarta]. We are looking for it [the landbank],” added Hantoro.
According to Hantoro, smooth data traffic in Indonesia requires combination between inner- and outer-city data centre. He also claims that should any industry demand for small-scale data centres (edge data centres) arise, BDDC is ready to provide. (ZH)