JAKARTA - PT Toyota Astra Financial Services (TAFS) will issue Shelf-Registration Bond IV Phase IV Year 2024 worth IDR 1 trillion. The bond offering is scheduled to take place from November 14 to 18, 2024, followed by the listing on November 22.

In the issued prospectus quoted Friday (25/10), the bond will be issued in two series: series A of IDR 600 billion with an interest rate of 6.35% per annum and 370-days tenor, and series B of IDR 400 billion with an interest rate of 6.60% per annum and 36-months tenor.

The bond is guaranteed with full commitment, with joint lead underwriters consisting of PT Bahana Sekuritas 11%, PT Indo Premier Sekuritas 34.27%, PT Mega Capital Sekuritas 20.87%, and PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk (TRIM) 33.24%.

TAFS records a Triple A (AAAidn) rating from Fitch Ratings Indonesia for this upcoming bond, with the listed trustee of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI).

For the record, in the first half (H1) of 2024, TAFS scored revenue of IDR 2.15 trillion, up from IDR 1.80 trillion seen in H1 2023.

General financing brought in revenue of IDR 1.77 trillion, followed by operation leasing of IDR 110.30 billion, murabahah margin of IDR 78.55 billion, vehicle dealer financing of IDR 32.36 billion, finance leasing of IDR 12.41 billion, bank interest of IDR 7.19 billion, and others of IDR 146.49 billion. (LK/ZH)