BYAN - PT. Bayan Resources Tbk

Rp 20.000

-25 (-0,13%)

JAKARTA - PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA) has amended coal mining service contract involving PT Indonesia Pratama (IPR), a subsidiary of PT Bayan Resources Tbk (BYAN). BUMA is known to be the subsidiary of usaha PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk (DOID).

Indra Dammen Kanoena, President Director of BUMA, mentioned that the contract will be effective for 11 years, starting from 2024 until 2035.

“This agreement will provide significant contribution towards the company’s revenue of IDR 107.8 trillion, or equal to USD 7.8 billion,” Kanoena said in the press release quoted Monday (28/10).

According to Kanoena, IPR’s thermal coal mine that will be managed by BUMA is located in Tabang, Kutai Kertanegara, East Kalimantan. The mining service contract covers overburden removal, with estimated production of 1,827 billion bcm, as well as coal mining, with estimated production of 465 million tons.

“This contract includes an increase in production volume from the current existing numbers,” Kanoena added.

The contract signing took place last week (23/10). BUMA is reportedly becoming optimistic regarding its business following the provision of this mining service contract. (LK/ZH)