NETV - PT. MDTV Media Technologies Tbk

Rp 143

+10 (+8,00%)

JAKARTA – PT MD Entertainment Tbk (FILM) is rebranding PT Net Visi Media Tbk (NETV) to PT MDTV Media Technologies Tbk (NETV), a major transformation after officially acquiring and controlling NETV. This name change was approved during Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders last week (7/11).

In the information disclosure quoted Tuesday (12/11), Shinta Trisnawati Sutrisno, Corporate Secretary of NETV, mentioned that the name change was approved by representatives of 18.55 billion shares, of 79.12% of total shares with valid votes authorised by the company.

In addition, the meeting also agreed upon the rotation and change in the board of commissioners and directors, such as Manoj Dhamoo Punjabi that will take up the position as President Commissioner from the initial President Director of NETV; Shania Manoj Punjabi that is stepping down from her President Commissioner position to Commissioner of NETV; as well as Dian Adhitama, who was initially the Independent Commissioner of NETV, will be replaced with Rommy Fibri Hardiyanto.

Then, for the board of directors, shareholders of NETV approved Lie Halim as President Director of NETV, as well as Esmal Diansyah, Surya Hadiwinata, and Priyararshi Anan, who will be Directors of the company. (LK/ZH)