FILM - PT. MD Entertainment Tbk

Rp 3.570

-270 (-7,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Samuel International (SI) is investing IDR 482.48 billion worth of capital in PT MD Entertainment Tbk (FILM) in a private placement of 170.24 million shares. The execution price for this corporate action is IDR 2,834 per share.

In the short prospectus quoted Wednesday (13/11), the proceeds of this corporate action will be used to promote the company’s group activities, as well as pursuing potential expansion as its business and funding demand increase in size.

Post private placement, issued and paid-up capital of FILM will rise to IDR 989.77 billion from the previous IDR 972.75 billion.

SI’s authorised capital is recorded at IDR 226.87 billion, with issued and paid-up capital of IDR 104.36 billion. The number of shares clocks up to 11.47 billion, consisting of shareholders: M Satyono of 99.74% and PT Palma Agro Lestari Makmur (PALM) 0.26%. (LK)