SBMA - PT. Surya Biru Murni Acetylene Tbk

Rp 114

-4 (-3,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Surya Biru Murni Acetylene Tbk (SBMA) will expand its market reach by building gas-filling stations in Sulawesi in 2025. Until this year, SBMA manage 6 filling stations in 6 cities in Kalimantan.

Rini Dwiyanti, President Director of SBMA, confirmed that the company will build some filling stations in Kalimantan and Sulawesi.

“This step allows us to get closer to our users and reinforce our presence in the market whilst still maintaining consistent revenue,” she said quoted today (20/11).

According to Dwiyanti, additional filling stations will definitely boost its market share and be able to provide more optimum services to users.

“We believe that this measure will allow for sustainable growth and grant added value to shareholders,” Dwiyanti said.

It is mentioned that gas market in Sulawesi has a great potential along with flourishing nickel industry, which is in need of stable and high-quality gas supply. The most certain step that will be taken is to reactivate filling station in Luwuk, Central Sulawesi.

For the record, SBMA’s hub and filling stations are located in Bontang, Tarakan, Nunukan, Samarinda, Berau, and Tanjung. (LK/ZH)