BREN - PT. Barito Renewables Energy Tbk

Rp 5.500

+50 (+1,00%)

JAKARTA – The Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) continued its downward trend, dropping by 0.7% or 49.86 points to close at 7,107.88 today, extending the decline that has persisted for the past four trading sessions.

At the end of today’s (18/12) session, JCI was at its lowest point since the market opened. In the first session, the index briefly peaked at 7,216.88.

The total transaction value on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the day was recorded at IDR 11.05 trillion, 6.4% lower than Tuesday’s (17/12) figure of IDR 11.8 trillion. The volume of traded shares reached 16.48 million, with 988,000 transactions.

With today’s decline, foreign investors posted a net foreign sell of IDR 437.9 billion (equivalent to USD 29.44 million), lower than Tuesday’s net foreign sell of IDR 1.63 trillion.

Shares of PT Barito Renewables Energi Tbk (BREN) were the Top Leaders today, rising 4.45% and contributing 13.96 points to the index. On the other hand, shares of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) were the Top Laggards, falling 2.35% and dragging the index down by 12.95 points.

In the Top Gainers list, PT Krida Jaringan Nusantara Tbk (KJEN) ranked first, with a significant price increase of 34.55%. Meanwhile, PT Satria Antaran Prima Tbk (SAPX) topped the Top Losers list, with the biggest price drop of 25%. (KR/ZH)