HATM - PT. Habco Trans Maritima Tbk

Rp 254

-2 (-1,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Habco Trans Maritima Tbk (HATM) to carry out a rights issue of 1.8 billion shares with a nominal value of IDR 50 per share. The total shares to be issued are 25.71% of the 7 billion shares issued and paid up by this issuer.

Antonius Limbong, Corporate Secretary of HATM said that shareholders approved the rights issue plan at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS), yesterday (18/12). "The results of the decision give power and authority to the directors to determine the number of shares to be issued, determine the exercise price and all necessary actions related to the rights issue," he said, quoted on Thursday (19/12).

This afternoon, HATM's share price was around IDR 254 per share, corrected by IDR 10 per share in the last 90 days to IDR 264 per share on (19/9). Assuming the lowest price is IDR 254 per share in the last 90 days, the transaction value is IDR 457.20 billion.

As of November 2024, controlling share ownership is 82.27% and non-controlling shares are 17.73% of the registered shares of 7 billion. The number of free float shares is 1.28 billion or 17.41% and the number of shareholders is 2,415 shareholders. The final beneficiaries of share ownership are Cosmas Kiardi, Benny, and Hasanul Arifin Hasibuan. (LK/LM)