NINE - PT. Techno9 Indonesia Tbk

Rp 202

-18 (-8,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Techno9 Indonesia Tbk (NINE) will expand its services to cyber security and e-catalogue to boost revenue at the end of 2025.

In the public expose report quoted today (14/1), the management of NINE targets 20-30% revenue growth this year, compared to the revenue realised in 2024 of IDR 15 billion.

The management of NINE is optimistic about this target as current economic situation is deemed quite stable. NINE’s membership in e-catalogue, an application owned by National Public Procurement Agency (LPKK), as well as Business Actor Performance Information System (SIKaP), is seen as a means to secure new projects this year.

In the first half of 2024, NINE reported revenue from hardware, software, and maintenance of IDR 1.37 billion. The revenue was secured from third parties, such as PT Interdata Teknologi Sukses. In the same period in 2023, NINE’s revenue clocked up to IDR 11.66 billion. (LK/ZH)