Learn who Indonesia's largest foreign debt creditors are

JAKARTA – Indonesia's foreign debt stood at USD 424.06 billion as of November 2024, marking a 5.38% increase from USD 402.37 billion in November 2023.
The largest creditor of Indonesia's foreign debt (ULN) is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), part of the World Bank Group.
Data published by Bank Indonesia on Thursday (January 16) shows the structure of the country’s foreign debt creditors, which consists of USD 44.80 billion from international organizations and USD 177.51 billion from other sources.
Among international organizations, the largest creditor is IBRD with USD 21.28 billion, followed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with USD 10.42 billion, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) with USD 8.45 billion.
Other creditors include the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) with USD 1.32 billion, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) with USD 292 million, the International Development Association (IDA) with USD 87 million, and the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) with USD 5 million.
For comparison, in November 2023, the structure of Indonesia’s foreign debt showed USD 43.58 billion from international organizations and USD 157.73 billion from other sources. Major creditors at that time included IBRD (USD 20.49 billion), ADB (USD 10.56 billion), IMF (USD 8.70 billion), IDB (USD 1.30 billion), IFAD (USD 279 million), IDA (USD 274 million), and NIB (USD 6 million). (LK/ZH)