MUTU - PT. Mutuagung Lestari Tbk

Rp 73

+2 (+3,00%)

JAKARTA – PT Mutuagung Lestari Tbk (MUTU), widely known as MUTU International, is taking part in the Inauguration of Indonesia International Carbon Trading held by IDXCarbon, Monday (20/1).

This active participation is a form of the company’s support towards Indonesia’s goal to achieve net zero emission by 2060.

“MUTU does not only act as Validation and Verification Body (VVB) for greenhouse gas, but is also involved in adaptation and mitigation of greenhouse gas emission,” said Syarip Lambaga, Executive Director of Green Economy of MUTU, in the official statement, Monday (20/1).

As part of its contribution, MUTU purchased 30% of emission produced by the company in this first international carbon exchange trading.

As VVB, MUTU is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of carbon emission data reported by pertinent companies or entities. This data then serves as a basis for carbon credit transaction in the market.

“The carbon credit validation by MUTU does not only generate trust amongst the market players, but also serves as the foundation to create a sustainable carbon market. It is vital to ensure the effectiveness for climate change mitigation,” said Lambaga.

With this active involvement as VVB and carbon credit buyer, MUTU International hopes to be able to provide significant impact on environmental sustainability in Indonesia. (DK/ZH)