BSDE - PT. Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk

Rp 840

-15 (-2,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk (BSDE) manages to handle the liquidity and debt risk following the settlement of Senior Notes of USD 88.91 million yesterday (23/1). The notes were issued in 2020, the proceeds of which were utilised for land acquisition, construction of properties, infrastructures, and real estate development.

Hermawan Wijaya, Director of BSDE, mentioned that the notes settlement was channelled by its subsidiary, Global Prime Capital Pte Ltd (GPC). “There is no remaining outstanding amount of Senior Notes 2025 after all notes were settled,” he said in the information disclosure quoted Friday (24/1).

It is known that the Senior Notes of GPC VI was issued five years ago with principal worth USD 300 million and listed on Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX). The interest rate was set to 5.95% per annum for five years, which was paid every six months, starting from its first-year issuance.

In November 2023, GPC settled a portion of said notes worth IDR 3.24 trillion or USD 211.08 million in advance. Then, as of September 2023, BSDE’s outstanding bond was recorded at IDR 1.95 trillion, consisting of Bonds of BSD VI of IDR 547.25 billion, Sukuk Ijarah I of IDR 63.50 billion, and Senior Notes of GPC VI of IDR 1.34 trillion. (LK/ZH)