Donald J. Trump officially bans transgender athletes

JAKARTA - Donald J. Trump, President of the United States (US) officially authorised a ban on transgender athletes competing with women in all sports. The executive mandate banning transgender athletes was signed by Donald J. Trump at local time (5/2).
‘I have signed an executive order prohibiting men from participating in sports competitions in which women participate,’ he said at the White House, Washington, US.
Donald J. Trump made the statement in front of his supporters, who responded boisterously among women.
He said that he would restore the pride of women's sporting traditions in the US, prohibiting men from competing in sports with women. ‘From now on, sports for women will only be participated in by women,’ he said.
During his inauguration as the 47th President of the US last month (20/1), Trump had announced his decision to ban transgender people and only recognise two genders, male and female. Trump asserted that male and female genders are fixed at birth.
Previously, President Joe Biden allowed transgender men to compete in sports that were followed by women. The situation made a number of pure female athletes disadvantaged by the participation of transgender male athletes. (LK/LM)