HYGN realises IPO funds, here’s where they're posted

JAKARTA – PT Ecocare Indo Pasifik Tbk (HYGN) has realised 81.33% of its initial public offering (IPO) funds since its debut on the stock market on February 13, 2024. The issuer's stock performance has increased by 0,77% until Friday morning's trading session (14/2).
According to a disclosure on Friday (14/2), Wincent Yunanda, President Director of HYGN, reported the realisation of IPO proceeds amounting to IDR 57.12 billion, while the remaining funds total IDR 13.11 billion.
The realised funds were allocated for the purchase of a warehouse, of IDR 8.8 billion; working capital, of IDR 23.73 billion; capital expenditures, of IDR 11.72 billion; and capital injections into its subsidiaries, PT Tukang Bersih Indonesia (TBI) and PT Indocitra Pacific, at IDR 7.42 billion and IDR 5.44 billion, respectively.
Meanwhile, the remaining 18.66% of the IPO funds, or IDR 13.11 billion, has been parked at PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk (BNGA) and PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA), with IDR 10 billion and IDR 3.11 billion deposited in each bank, respectively. The interest rate on HYGN’s IPO funds in BNGA is set at 6.875% over a 6-month period, while in BBCA, it stands at 0.25%. (LK/ZH)