PTRO - PT. Petrosea Tbk

Rp 2.440

+10 (+0%)

JAKARTA – Shares of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) edged up 0.35% during the afternoon trading session on Thursday (20/2). Despite the gain, the stock remains at its lowest level for the month.

According to collected data, INCO's share price rose IDR 10 to IDR 2,900 at 2.11 PM WIB, from IDR 2,890 per share. However, this slight increase does not mark a rebound from yesterday’s (18/2) price of IDR 2,990 per share, and remains 19.55% or IDR 700 lower than the price on (20/1) at IDR 3,580 per share.

For reference, Wiwik Wahyuni, Corporate Secretary of INCO, confirmed the award of a mining contract for the Pomalaa Block worth IDR 2.8 trillion to PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO), yesterday (19/2). The contract covers project work for two years, from 3 July 2024 to 2 July 2026. (LK/ZH)