IATA - PT. MNC Energy Investments Tbk

Rp 49

+1 (+2,00%)

JAKARTA. PT MNC Energy Investments Tbk (IATA) aims to raise IDR 1.27 trillion through the issuance of 20.19 billion Series B shares. The execution price for this rights issue is set at IDR 63 per share.

According to the short prospectus cited on Friday (21/2), this corporate action plan was approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on December 18, 2024, with the execution scheduled for March 6-12, 2025. All funds raised are planned to be used as working capital and for business development.

PT MNC Asia Holding Tbk (BHIT), the main and controlling shareholder with 33.43% ownership of IATA, has stated that it will not exercise its full rights nor transfer its pre-emptive rights (HMETD) to other parties.

Meanwhile, PT Karya Pacific Investama, another major shareholder of IATA holding 24.91%, has expressed its commitment to purchasing the new shares issued in the context of the Third Limited Public Offering (PUT III).

Currently, IATA’s authorized capital is recorded at IDR 7.18 trillion, consisting of Series A shares with a nominal value of IDR 100 amounting to IDR 232.27 billion, Series B shares with a nominal value of IDR 50 amounting to IDR 6.49 trillion, and Series C shares with a nominal value of IDR 96 amounting to IDR 457.86 billion.

The issued and paid-up capital is recorded at IDR 1.59 trillion, consisting of Series A at 9.20%, Series B (with PT MNC Asia Holding Tbk holding 33.43%, PT Karya Pacific Investama holding 24.91%, and the public holding 13.56%), and Series C (public) at 18.90%. Additionally, there are portfolio shares amounting to IDR 5.58 trillion. (LK/ZH)