BOLT targets 8% sales growth in 2025

JAKARTA – PT Garuda Metalindo Tbk (BOLT), a manufacturer of fasteners and automotive components, is aiming for around 8% sales growth in 2025 by continuing its expansion into global markets to enhance its business performance.
Anthony Wijaya, Director of BOLT, stated that demand for automotive components, particularly in the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) segment, still has growth potential despite the risk of a decline in national car sales.
"We are targeting sales growth in the high single digits, around 8%, this year," said Anthony in an official statement on Wednesday (5/3).
In addition to strengthening the local market, BOLT is also targeting export growth of 15-20% in 2025. Last year, the company began expanding into Mexico and plans to further expand its export market to countries in Asia, the Americas, and Europe.
Currently, BOLT exports its products to nine countries, with Germany being the largest export destination, contributing 50% of the company's total export sales.
Although demand for electric vehicle components in Indonesia is still limited due to the dominance of imported products, BOLT is ready to meet the needs of the electrification industry as the Domestic Content Level (TKDN) increases.
According to data from, BOLT recorded sales of IDR 1.10 trillion as of the third quarter of 2024, down 2.65% year-on-year (yoy) by September 2024. The decline in revenue also led to a 36.7% yoy drop in net profit to IDR 69 billion. (DK/ZH)
BOLT targetkan penjualan tumbuh 8% di 2025, apa strateginya?
JAKARTA - PT Garuda Metalindo Tbk (BOLT), produsen fastener dan komponen otomotif, menargetkan pertumbuhan penjualan sekitar 8% di tahun 2025, dengan terus memperluas ekspansi ke pasar global untuk meningkatkan kinerja bisnisnya.
Anthony Wijaya, Direktur BOLT, menyatakan bahwa permintaan komponen otomotif, terutama di segmen original equipment manufacturer (OEM), masih berpotensi tumbuh meskipun terdapat risiko pelemahan penjualan mobil nasional.
"Kami menargetkan penjualan tumbuh di kisaran high single-digit, sekitar 8%, pada tahun ini," kata Anthony, dalam keterangan resmi, Rabu (5/3) lalu.
Selain memperkuat pasar lokal, BOLT juga menargetkan pertumbuhan ekspor sebesar 15-20% di 2025. Tahun lalu, perusahaan mulai berekspansi ke Meksiko dan berencana memperluas pasar ekspornya ke negara-negara di Asia, Amerika, dan Eropa.
Saat ini, BOLT telah mengekspor produknya ke sembilan negara, dan Jerman menjadi tujuan ekspor terbesar dengan sumbangan 50% dari total penjualan ekspor perusahaan.
Meski permintaan komponen untuk mobil listrik di Indonesia masih terbatas karena dominasi produk impor, BOLT siap memenuhi kebutuhan industri elektrifikasi seiring peningkatan Tingkat Kandungan Dalam Negeri (TKDN).
Menurut data, BOLT mencatatkan penjualan sebesar Rp1,10 triliun hingga kuartal III-2024, turun 2,65% year-on-year (yoy) per September 2024. Susutnya pendapatan juga membuat laba bersih turun 36,7% yoy menjadi Rp69 miliar. (DK/ZH)