EMTK - PT. Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk

Rp 530

-10 (-2,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk (EMTK) will issue 300 million shares as a Management and Employee Stock Ownership Programme (MESOP) to commissioners and directors of companies within the EMTK Group.

In a brief prospectus quoted on Wednesday (12/3), this private placement plan will be sought for approval at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) on 28 April 2025. The programme will be implemented within the next five years after shareholder’s approval.

Participants of the MESOP programme include members of the board of commissioners and directors of EMTK and controlled companies who are in office at the time of the free share distribution as compensation.

Currently, EMTK's authorised capital is recorded at 125.67 billion, issued and fully paid capital of 61.39 billion, and capital in portepel of 64.27 billion. EMT's shareholder structure is Eddy K Sariaatmadja 21.89%, PT Adikarsa Sarana (AS) 14.10%, Susanto Suwarto 11.59%, Piet Yaury 8.13%, PT Prima Visualindo (PV) 6.19%, Anthoni Salim 8.98%, Treasury Shares 0.40%, and the public 28.72%.

After MESOP, EMTK's shareholder structure is Eddy K Sariaatmadja 21.78%, AS 14.03%, Susanto Suwarto 11.54%, Piet Yaury 8.09%, PV 6.16%, Anthoni Salim 8.93%, Treasury Shares 0.40%, public 28.58%, and MESOP programme 0.49%. (LK/LM)