Trading halt on IDX most frequent during early Covid-19 pandemic

JAKARTA – Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) halted trading in the first session on Tuesday (18/3). A similar occurrence happened multiple times during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
According to information cited from the IDX website on Tuesday (18/4), the trading halt at 11:19:31 Jakarta Automated Trading System (JATS) time was triggered by a drop of more than 5% in the Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG). Trading will resume at 11:49:31 JATS time without any changes to the trading schedule.
Compiled from various sources, IDX implemented several trading halts in 2020. These include trading halts on March 12 at 15:33:58, March 13 at 09:15:33, March 17 at 15:02:44, March 19 at 09:37:18, March 23 at 14:52:09, March 30 at 10:20:48, and September 10, 2020 at 10:36:18 JATS time.
The legal basis for the implementation of trading halts is the IDX Board of Directors Decree No: Kep-00024/BEI/03-2020 dated March 10, 2020, regarding changes to the guidelines for handling trading continuity at the Indonesia Stock Exchange in emergency conditions. (LK/ZH)