Deputy Speaker of the House visits Indonesia Stock Exchange

JAKARTA – Several members of the House of Representatives (DPR) visited the office of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) on Tuesday afternoon (18/3). During the first trading session, the stock exchange authority temporarily halted (trading halt) the system after the Indonesia Composite Index (IHSG) dropped by 5%.
According to IDXChannel’s website, the parliament members in attendance included Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, Deputy Speaker of the House; Misbakhun, Chairman of Commission XI of the House; and Puteri Komaruddin, a member of Commission XI.
The visit by the DPR leadership and the chairman of Commission XI was aimed at monitoring the movement of the IHSG.
Earlier, BEI temporarily halted trading at 11:19:31 Jakarta Automated Trading System (JATS) time, as IHSG had fallen by more than 5%. Trading resumed at 11:49:31 JATS time without any changes to the trading schedule. (LK/ZH)