Noprian Fadly sells 4% stake in NINE

JAKARTA – Noprian Fadly, President Commissioner of PT Techno9 Indonesia Tbk (NINE), reduced his stake by 4% in a transaction that took place on Wednesday (19/3).
Nuzwan Gufron, President Director of NINE, stated that Noprian Fadly's shareholding decreased to 8% from 12%. "The transaction was part of the acquisition process regulated in the Conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement (CSPA)," he said in an official disclosure on Wednesday (19/3).
The President Commissioner of NINE sold 86.26 million shares at a price of IDR 19, totalling IDR 1.63 billion. His remaining shares now amount to 172.57 million, down from 258.84 million.
As of 28 February 2025, NINE had a total of 2.15 billion shares, with its ownership structure consisting of Controlling shareholders holding 51.95% and Non-controlling shareholders holding 48.05%. There are 6,379 registered shareholders, with Heddy Kandou as the ultimate beneficiary of the shares.
NINE is currently planning a rights issue of 2.15 billion shares. This corporate action will be decided at an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on April 30, 2025. (LK/ZH)
Noprian Fadly lepas 4% saham di NINE NINE akan rights issue 2,15 miliar lembar dengan nominal Rp10, yang berasal dari saham portepel. JAKARTA - Noprian Fadly, Komisaris Utama PT Techno9 Indonesia Tbk (NINE), mengurangi 4% sahamnya dalam transaksi yang berlangsung pada Rabu (19/3). Komisaris Utama NINE ini menjual 86,26 juta saham di harga Rp19 atau total senilai Rp1,63 miliar. Jumlah saham miliknya kini menjadi 172,57 juta dari 258,84 juta lembar. |