PTPP - PT. Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk

Rp 304

+14 (+5,00%)

JAKARTA - PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) booked a new contract of IDR 2.9 trillion until February 2025, 108% higher than the target set by the company.

Citing information disclosure on Thursday (27/3), Joko Raharjo, Corporate Secretary of PTPP, said that the realisation of the new contract was equivalent to 10.21% of the total target until the end of 2025. Financing of new contracts from private parties ranges from 47.31%, government 38.58%, and State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) 14.11%. The highest new contract acquisition was in the road & bridge sector 46.70%, buildings 37.63%, dams 9.34%, irrigation 5.93%, and oil and gas 0.4%.

PTPP's new contracts include the Bromo General Contractor Works Batam project worth IDR 410.55 billion, Krui & Anambas Regional Hospital worth IDR 289.9 billion, Bagong Dam Package 3 worth IDR 271.8 billion, Adhyaksa Jambi Hospital worth IDR 224.4 billion, and Adhyaksa Banten Hospital Phase 2 worth IDR 163.8 billion.

Throughout 2024, the company posted a profit for the year of Rp129.4 billion, up 1.85% from last year. The increase in profit for the year was supported by an increase in operating income at the end of 2024 by 7.30% with a total operating income value of IDR 19.81 trillion, as well as from the share of joint venture profits worth IDR 1.24 trillion, up 84.51% from 2023. (LK/LM)