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3.24 billion shares of foreign sell volume resulted in net foreign of -545.83 million shares

15 Jun 2024 17:37

Foreign share sales on Friday, June 14, generated a foreign selling volume of 3.24 billion shares. Meanwhile, foreign buying volume was only around 2.69 billion shares, leaving net foreign volume at -545.83 million shares. Unlike the previous day, shares of digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) were the most acquired this day, totaling 1.39 billion shares with a net volume of 281.20 million.

3.24 billion shares of foreign sell volume resulted in net foreign of -545.83 million shares

Almost 3 billion Gojek Tokopedia shares are sold, net foreign volume falls to -1.49 billion shares

15 Jun 2024 17:34

On Thursday, June 13, foreign investors sold 2.98 billion shares in the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO), for a net volume of -1.18 billion shares. These sales accounted for 65.53% of the entire foreign sales volume, which was 4.58 billion shares. Meanwhile, foreign buy volume was 3.09 billion shares, bringing the net foreign volume to -1.45 billion shares.

Almost 3 billion Gojek Tokopedia shares are sold, net foreign volume falls to -1.49 billion shares