1st Financial Company releases 713 million shares of Bumi Resources (BRMS)
08 Jan 2025 14:32
This foreign investor now owns just 9.55% of BRMS after releasing shares through BUT Deutsche Bank AG.
08 Jan 2025 14:32
This foreign investor now owns just 9.55% of BRMS after releasing shares through BUT Deutsche Bank AG.
20 Nov 2024 12:30
On Monday, November 18, PT Pelita Sukses Sejati purchased 6.25% of the shares in PT Sumber Tani Agung Resources Tbk (STAA), a palm oil company. Nearly 682 million shares of STAA were acquired by this new investor via PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk.
18 Nov 2024 15:01
On Tuesday, November 12, investor PT Gerbangmas Tunggal Sejahtera made the decision to invest in PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk (FREN), a telecommunications company. Through PT Sinarmas Sekuritas, 44.65 billion FREN shares were acquired, giving this investor direct control over approximately 9.37% of the shares.
08 Nov 2024 13:26
Through PT OCBC Sekuritas Indonesia and PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk, individual investor Ling Sun purchased 150.17 million shares of PT Koka Indonesia Tbk (KOKA) on Tuesday, November 5. Ling Sun has bought 5.25% of the shares in the issuer, which is a heavy construction and civil engineering firm.
28 Oct 2024 14:30
The majority stake in PT Lima Dua Lima Tiga Tbk (LUCY), held by PT Delta Wibawa Bersama, increased by over 130.02 million shares on Thursday, October 24. This controller raised its position from 49.5% to 58.09% through the transaction through PT BCA Sekuritas. Lucy in the Sky is a rooftop bar located in Jakarta's Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) that is owned and operated by LUCY, a food and beverage company.
23 Oct 2024 17:08
Ferry Saputra, an individual investor, invested 19.40 million shares in PT Dewi Shri Farmindo Tbk (DEWI) on Monday, October 21. This investor raised his stake to 6.3% as a result. However, another DEWI investor, Sujito Ngatiman, actually sold 1.75 million shares of the company that farms broiler chickens. He currently controls 8.41% of the company. PT KB Valbury Sekuritas was appointed to facilitate both transactions.
22 Aug 2024 15:54
On Tuesday, August 20, PT Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk (FASW) appointed foreign investor Siam Kraft Industry Company Limited as its new controller. More than 1.36 billion FASW shares, or 55.24% ownership, were purchased by this Thai investor. In addition to producing packaging paper, FASW is also a part of the Thailand-based SCG Packaging group.
12 Aug 2024 19:42
PT. Firstindo Finansial Corpora has been observed releasing shares of PT Estee Gold Feet Tbk (EURO), an aerosol company for cosmetics and home appliances, lately. This investor released an additional 15.35 million shares on Wednesday, August 7, meaning that only 198.95 million shares, or roughly 7.81%, were held.
15 Jul 2024 14:57
On Wednesday, July 10, PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk (DOID) was once again seen purchasing its own stock. The mining company's intensive share buyback action was recorded at a volume of 12.55 million shares this time, bringing the total stockpiled to 562.93 million shares, or approximately 6.57% ownership. PT Arthakencana Rayatama has also continued to increase its investment in fuel oil distributor PT AKR Corporindo Tbk (AKRA), this time by 10.73 million shares, for a total ownership of 13.67%.
09 Jul 2024 16:19
PT Okansa Fuji Shosha purchased 260 million shares of PT Fuji Finance Indonesia Tbk (FUJI) on Friday, July 5, and immediately held 20% of them. Fuji Finance is a multi-finance company that offers investment financing, working capital financing, multi-purpose financing, invoice financing, and bridge financing. PT Caraka Reksa Optima also purchased 185.14 million shares of PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO), a mining, infrastructure, and oil and gas services company.