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Foreign share purchases surges, net foreign volume surplus at 497.49 million shares

15 Oct 2024 17:46

Foreign investors upped their share-buying activities on Monday, October 14, totaling 4.69 billion shares. The digital corporation PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) had the largest share bought for around 47% of the overall foreign purchase volume, or 2.23 billion shares, with a net volume of 373.02 million shares. The foreign sales volume stood at 4.20 billion shares. The discrepancy between purchasing and selling volumes resulted in a net foreign volume surplus of 497.49 million shares.

Foreign share purchases surges, net foreign volume surplus at 497.49 million shares

Share sale transactions greater, net foreign volume closed at -591.74 million shares

12 Oct 2024 11:47

On Thursday, October 10, share sales transactions generated a foreign sales volume of 3.53 billion shares. Meanwhile, foreign buying volume was in the range of 2.94 billion shares, and net foreign volume closed at -591.74 million shares. The digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) had the most shares sold, totalling approximately 706.10 million shares, with a net volume of -132.62 million shares.

Share sale transactions greater, net foreign volume closed at -591.74 million shares

Foreign selling volume hit 3.60 billion shares, net foreign volume closed at -768.59 million shares

11 Oct 2024 11:57

On Wednesday, October 9, foreign selling volume reached 3.60 billion shares, followed by foreign buying volume of 2.83 billion shares. As a result, the net foreign volume closed at -768.59 million shares. Foreign investors sold the most shares in the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO), totaling 930 million shares with a net volume of -304.04 million shares.

Foreign selling volume hit 3.60 billion shares, net foreign volume closed at -768.59 million shares

Share sales hit 5.78 billion shares, net foreign volume closed at minus 1 billion shares

08 Oct 2024 18:23

On Monday, October 7, share sales transactions by foreign investors resulted in foreign sales volume up to 5.78 billion shares. With a foreign buying volume of only 4.78 billion shares, the net foreign volume eventually ended at -1 billion shares. One of the largest contributors to the high foreign sales volume was the sale of shares in the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO), which reached 2.22 billion shares with a net volume of -784.34 million shares.

Share sales hit 5.78 billion shares, net foreign volume closed at minus 1 billion shares

Returning to green zone, net foreign volume closed at 206.65 million shares

05 Oct 2024 05:37

Stock buying and selling activities by foreign investors on Friday, October 4, ended with a net foreign volume returning to the green zone at 206.65 million shares. The foreign buying volume was 4.16 billion shares, while the foreign selling volume was 3.96 billion shares. Furthermore, unlike the previous day, shares of the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) are now the most purchased, totaling up to 2.25 billion shares and a net volume of 655.09 million shares.

Returning to green zone, net foreign volume closed at 206.65 million shares

Billions of Gojek Tokopedia shares sold, net foreign volume falls to -1.61 billion shares

05 Oct 2024 05:35

Foreign investors sold 2.12 billion shares of the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) on Thursday, October 3, for a net volume of -1.11 billion shares. The share sale then triggered the foreign sales volume to jump to 4.91 billion shares. Meanwhile, foreign buying volume was only 3.30 billion shares, bringing net foreign volume to -1.61 billion shares.

Billions of Gojek Tokopedia shares sold, net foreign volume falls to -1.61 billion shares

Foreign buying volume rises, net foreign volume surplus to 712.63 million shares

04 Oct 2024 11:12

Foreign buying volume on Wednesday, October 2, increased significantly, reaching 6.15 billion shares. Meanwhile, foreign sales volume totaled just 5.44 billion shares, resulting in a net foreign volume surplus of approximately 712.63 million shares. The purchase of shares in the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) amounted to 2.12 billion shares with a net volume of 808.16 million shares, then started the share trading list.

Foreign buying volume rises, net foreign volume surplus to 712.63 million shares