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2.31 billion shares of VKTR Technology (VKTR) claimed by Mandala Raya Yuwana

18 Jul 2024 14:46

At PT VKTR Teknologi Mobilitas Tbk (VKTR), a company that manufactures electric vehicles, there was a significant share transfer on Thursday, July 11. Through PT Ciptadana Sekuritas Asia, a new investor named PT Mandala Raya Yuwana was observed claiming ownership of 2.31 billion shares, meaning that it directly owns a share portion of 5.29%. In the meantime, 975 million shares were released by PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk, the controller of VKTR, reducing ownership from 45.55% to 43.32%. PT BNC Sekuritas Indonesia was in charge of overseeing this particular transaction. Additionally, PT Arthakencana Rayatama bought more shares by acquiring 30.99 million of PT AKR Corporindo Tbk (AKRA).

2.31 billion shares of VKTR Technology (VKTR) claimed by Mandala Raya Yuwana

Lim Susan purchased 513 million Taxi Express (TAXI) shares

09 Jul 2024 15:29

On Thursday, July 4, taxi service provider PT Express Transindo Utama Tbk (TAXI) welcomed Lim Susan as a new investor. She purchased 513.45 million TAXI shares, acquiring a 5.02% share portion immediately. Aside from that, foreign investor Maybank Global Growth Fund VCC-Maybank Global Growth Fund 1 became PT Citra Borneo Utama Tbk (CBUT), the palm oil company's newest investor, owning 10.34% of its shares. Maybank Global obtained this ownership by purchasing 323.18 million shares of CBUT.

Lim Susan purchased 513 million Taxi Express (TAXI) shares

Samudera Prawiradjaja acquires 41% of Campina (CAMP) shares from Sabana Prawira Widjaja

19 Jun 2024 17:38

On Thursday, June 13, PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk (CAMP) witnessed the acquisition of 2.41 billion of its shares. Sabana Prawira Widjaja, who had previously controlled 83.94% of CAMP's shares, transferred those shares to Samudera Prawirawidjaja, lowering his shareholding to 42.94%. Samudera now owns 41% of CAMP's shares.

Samudera Prawiradjaja acquires 41% of Campina (CAMP) shares from Sabana Prawira Widjaja

Individual investors dominate market hints, with Tekardjo Angkasa currently holding 490 million Buyung Poetra (HOKI) shares

12 Dec 2023 08:32

On Tuesday, December 5, individual investors were spotted dominating share transactions on the market hint list. Tekardjo Angkasa began by purchasing 490 million shares of PT Buyung Poetra Sembada Tbk (HOKI), and now this new investor owns 5.06% of the rice company.

Individual investors dominate market hints, with Tekardjo Angkasa currently holding 490 million Buyung Poetra (HOKI) shares