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Continuing to release Totalindo (TOPS) shares, Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes now only holds 5.79 percent

25 Jun 2024 18:32

The Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia had not stopped selling shares of PT Totalindo Eka Persada Tbk (TOPS), an issuer of building construction. On Friday, June 21, this investor released an additional 70 million shares, bringing its total number of shares held to 1.93 billion, or approximately 5.79%. Besides that, Tan John Tanuwijaya, the majority shareholder in PT Berdikari Pondasi Perkasa Tbk (BDKR), was still selling shares, this time for 27.54 million. His share percentage was recorded as being around 58.89%. PT Precise Pacific Realty was also recorded as selling 20 million shares of the tourism services company PT Sona Topas Tourism Industry Tbk (SONA), with the remaining shares amounting to approximately 31.65%.

Continuing to release Totalindo (TOPS) shares, Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes now only holds 5.79 percent

Purchasing 15 billion new shares of Amman Mineral (AMMN), Medco Energi Internasional controls 20.92% of the stakes

02 Feb 2024 14:47

On Tuesday, January 30, PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk (MEDC) made a fresh investment in PT Amman Mineral Internasional Tbk (AMMN). MEDC then purchased 15.16 billion shares of AMMN, gaining 20.92% ownership of the gold and copper mining corporation. Aside from that, Six Sis Ltd. invested 434.51 million new shares in PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk (DOID), a coal mining contractor services company with a final ownership percentage of 5.04%.

Purchasing 15 billion new shares of Amman Mineral (AMMN), Medco Energi Internasional controls 20.92% of the stakes