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More than 224 million Apexindo Pratama (APEX) shares acquired by HSBC Bank

22 Jul 2024 17:15

Through participation in a private placement, HSBC Bank Plc, a foreign investor, acquired over 224.77 million shares of PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk (APEX) on Tuesday, July 16. This investor instantly acquired 6.34% of the issuer's shares through PT Bank HSBC Indonesia. The issuer provides onshore and offshore drilling services to the oil and gas, geothermal, and methane gas industries. Aside from that, the impact of APEX's private placement caused two of its biggest investors to see a decrease in their share portions, even though the total number of shares held remained unchanged. PT Aserra Capital, the owner of 1.89 billion shares, used to own 64.69% of the shares, but as of right now, it only owns roughly 53.51%. Furthermore, Augusta Investments I Pte Ltd, a foreign investor that owns 220.76 million shares, reported a decrease in the share portion from 7.53% to 6.23%.

More than 224 million Apexindo Pratama (APEX) shares acquired by HSBC Bank

Maybank Sekuritas Indonesia now owns 18.42% of Dosni Roha (ZBRA)

19 Jul 2024 15:21

The end-to-end supply chain solutions provider PT Dosni Roha Indonesia Tbk (ZBRA) welcomed PT Maybank Sekuritas Indonesia as an investor on July 12. Immediately, this new investor purchased 462.54 million ZBRA shares, or around 18.42% of the company. On the other hand, PT Trinity Healthcare, ZBRA's controller, sold 220.44 million shares, resulting in a drop in ownership from 70.79% to 62.01%.

Maybank Sekuritas Indonesia now owns 18.42% of Dosni Roha (ZBRA)

Buying back 12.55 million shares; Delta Dunia Makmur now owns 6.87% of its stock

15 Jul 2024 14:57

On Wednesday, July 10, PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk (DOID) was once again seen purchasing its own stock. The mining company's intensive share buyback action was recorded at a volume of 12.55 million shares this time, bringing the total stockpiled to 562.93 million shares, or approximately 6.57% ownership. PT Arthakencana Rayatama has also continued to increase its investment in fuel oil distributor PT AKR Corporindo Tbk (AKRA), this time by 10.73 million shares, for a total ownership of 13.67%.

Buying back 12.55 million shares; Delta Dunia Makmur now owns 6.87% of its stock

Pudjiadi Prestige (PUDP) investors saw their shares double after 1:2 stock split

11 Jul 2024 21:16

On Monday, July 8, PT Pudjiadi Prestige Tbk (PUDP), a construction and real estate issuer, conducted a 1:2 stock split. As a result, the issuer's investors received twice as many shares. PT Istana Kuta Ratu Prestige, which owns 44.54% of PUDP shares, previously held 146.77 million shares but now has 293.54 million. Aside from that, individual investor Lenawati Setiadi P., who previously owned 73.89 million shares, now owns 147.79 million shares, representing a 22.42% stake.

Pudjiadi Prestige (PUDP) investors saw their shares double after 1:2 stock split

Purchasing 260 million shares; Okansa Fuji Shosha now owns 20% of Fuji Finance (FUJI)

09 Jul 2024 16:19

PT Okansa Fuji Shosha purchased 260 million shares of PT Fuji Finance Indonesia Tbk (FUJI) on Friday, July 5, and immediately held 20% of them. Fuji Finance is a multi-finance company that offers investment financing, working capital financing, multi-purpose financing, invoice financing, and bridge financing. PT Caraka Reksa Optima also purchased 185.14 million shares of PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO), a mining, infrastructure, and oil and gas services company.

Purchasing 260 million shares; Okansa Fuji Shosha now owns 20% of Fuji Finance (FUJI)

Lim Susan purchased 513 million Taxi Express (TAXI) shares

09 Jul 2024 15:29

On Thursday, July 4, taxi service provider PT Express Transindo Utama Tbk (TAXI) welcomed Lim Susan as a new investor. She purchased 513.45 million TAXI shares, acquiring a 5.02% share portion immediately. Aside from that, foreign investor Maybank Global Growth Fund VCC-Maybank Global Growth Fund 1 became PT Citra Borneo Utama Tbk (CBUT), the palm oil company's newest investor, owning 10.34% of its shares. Maybank Global obtained this ownership by purchasing 323.18 million shares of CBUT.

Lim Susan purchased 513 million Taxi Express (TAXI) shares

Three Vale Indonesia (INCO) investors reported decline in share portion

09 Jul 2024 11:32

As a result of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk's (INCO) divestment, three of its largest investors saw a decrease in share portion but no change in the number of shares owned on Wednesday, July 3. The state-owned company PT Mineral Industri Indonesia (Persero), which owns 3.58 billion shares in this nickel mining company, saw its share percentage fell from 34.03% to 34%. Then, foreign investor Vale Canada Limited saw its share portion fall from 33.91% to 33.88% of the 3.57 billion shares it owned. Finally, Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd., another foreign investor with 1.21 billion shares, saw a decrease in share ownership from 11.5% to 11.48.

Three Vale Indonesia (INCO) investors reported decline in share portion