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Purchasing 260 million shares; Okansa Fuji Shosha now owns 20% of Fuji Finance (FUJI)

09 Jul 2024 16:19

PT Okansa Fuji Shosha purchased 260 million shares of PT Fuji Finance Indonesia Tbk (FUJI) on Friday, July 5, and immediately held 20% of them. Fuji Finance is a multi-finance company that offers investment financing, working capital financing, multi-purpose financing, invoice financing, and bridge financing. PT Caraka Reksa Optima also purchased 185.14 million shares of PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO), a mining, infrastructure, and oil and gas services company.

Purchasing 260 million shares; Okansa Fuji Shosha now owns 20% of Fuji Finance (FUJI)

Sinar Nusantara acquires 5.94% stake in Resources Alam (KKGI)

05 Jun 2024 15:59

At the end of May, the coal mining company PT Resource Alam Indonesia Tbk (KKGI) welcomed a new foreign investor, Sinar Nusantara Sdn Bhd. On Friday, May 31, approximately 296.96 million shares of this coal mining company were purchased, making Sinar Nusantara the new owner of 5.94% of the shares. In addition, Dimas Adiarso Putro purchased 53.78 million shares of PT Anugerah Spareparts Sejahtera Tbk (AEGS), an issuer in the motor vehicle filter industry, to acquire a new 5.35% stake.

Sinar Nusantara acquires 5.94% stake in Resources Alam (KKGI)