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Foreign net volume remains stable in green zone, closing at 70.86 million shares

17 Oct 2024 08:51

Foreign net volume remained consistent in the green zone on Wednesday, October 16, closing at 70.86 million shares, as it had in previous days. The foreign buying volume was 4.61 billion shares, while the foreign selling volume was 4.54 billion shares. The shares with the highest sales were owned by the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO), which were sold for up to 2.15 billion shares with a net volume of -597.40 million shares.

Foreign net volume remains stable in green zone, closing at 70.86 million shares

Foreign share purchases surges, net foreign volume surplus at 497.49 million shares

15 Oct 2024 17:46

Foreign investors upped their share-buying activities on Monday, October 14, totaling 4.69 billion shares. The digital corporation PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) had the largest share bought for around 47% of the overall foreign purchase volume, or 2.23 billion shares, with a net volume of 373.02 million shares. The foreign sales volume stood at 4.20 billion shares. The discrepancy between purchasing and selling volumes resulted in a net foreign volume surplus of 497.49 million shares.

Foreign share purchases surges, net foreign volume surplus at 497.49 million shares

Foreign buying and selling nearly equal, net volume recorded at 41.01 million shares

15 Oct 2024 10:21

On Friday (11/10), share purchasing and selling operations made similar results, with the foreign buying volume of 2.31 billion shares and the foreign selling volume of 2.27 billion shares. As a result, net foreign volume ended at 41.01 million shares. On the top buy list, foreign investors began by purchasing 144.13 million shares of the mineral mining company PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (BRMS), for a net volume of 107.99 million shares.

Foreign buying and selling nearly equal, net volume recorded at 41.01 million shares

Share sale transactions greater, net foreign volume closed at -591.74 million shares

12 Oct 2024 11:47

On Thursday, October 10, share sales transactions generated a foreign sales volume of 3.53 billion shares. Meanwhile, foreign buying volume was in the range of 2.94 billion shares, and net foreign volume closed at -591.74 million shares. The digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) had the most shares sold, totalling approximately 706.10 million shares, with a net volume of -132.62 million shares.

Share sale transactions greater, net foreign volume closed at -591.74 million shares

Foreign selling volume hit 3.60 billion shares, net foreign volume closed at -768.59 million shares

11 Oct 2024 11:57

On Wednesday, October 9, foreign selling volume reached 3.60 billion shares, followed by foreign buying volume of 2.83 billion shares. As a result, the net foreign volume closed at -768.59 million shares. Foreign investors sold the most shares in the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO), totaling 930 million shares with a net volume of -304.04 million shares.

Foreign selling volume hit 3.60 billion shares, net foreign volume closed at -768.59 million shares

Avia Nusantara acquires 27% of Jaya Trishindo's (HELI) shares

10 Oct 2024 15:36

On Monday, October 7, PT Jaya Trishindo Tbk (HELI), popularly known as Jati Group, welcomed PT Avia Nusantara Khatulistiwa as a new investor. Without hesitation, this investor acquired 228.81 million shares, giving them control over approximately 27.47% of HELI's outstanding shares. Meanwhile, HELI's controller, PT Startel Communication, saw a drop in shares from 47.82% to 23.05% concurrently with the release of 206.30 million shares of the issuer involved in commercial aviation. The two investors completed their transactions with the help of PT UOB Kay Hian Sekuritas.

Avia Nusantara acquires 27% of Jaya Trishindo's (HELI) shares

RMK Investama acquires 900 million RMK Energy (RMKE) shares

27 Sep 2024 11:30

PT RMK Investama made the decision to bolster its stake in coal logistics service provider PT RMK Energy Tbk (RMKE) on Tuesday, September 24. This investor previously owned about 25.14 percent of the shares; however, after adding 900 million shares through PT Ciptadana Sekuritas Asia, this investor now owns 45.71 percent of the shares and is the controlling shareholder. Additionally, the parent company, PT MNC Asia Holding Tbk, has acquired another 260 million shares of its subsidiary, PT MNC Land Tbk (KPIG), which develops and manages resorts and hotels, increasing its ownership to 9.68%.

RMK Investama acquires 900 million RMK Energy (RMKE) shares

384.88 million of Gojek Tokopedia shares get sold, net foreign closed at -110.68 million shares

04 Sep 2024 16:31

Foreign investors sold 384.88 million shares of digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) on Tuesday, September 3, for a net volume of -52.03 million shares. This transaction added to the foreign sales volume, which stood at 2.26 billion shares. Meanwhile, foreign buying volume was 2.15 billion shares. As a result, net foreign volume closed at -110.68 million shares.

384.88 million of Gojek Tokopedia shares get sold, net foreign closed at -110.68 million shares

Foreign investors buy Gojek Tokopedia’s shares up to 455 million shares, net foreign closed at 318.16 million shares

20 Aug 2024 22:40

On Monday, August 19, foreign investors purchased 455.61 million shares of the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO), for a net volume of 259.60 million. These acquisitions amounted to 21.83% of the entire foreign purchase volume, which was 2.08 billion shares. Meanwhile, foreign sales volume was 1.76 billion shares, with net foreign volume closing at 318.16 million shares.

Foreign investors buy Gojek Tokopedia’s shares up to 455 million shares, net foreign closed at 318.16 million shares

Shifting to green zone, net foreign volume closed at 354.80 million shares

11 Aug 2024 13:44

On Wednesday, August 7, foreign investors increased their share purchases, totaling 1.97 billion shares. The foreign selling volume was 1.62 billion shares, bringing the net foreign volume into the green zone and closing at 354.80 million shares. The share purchase transactions then began with the purchase of 141.66 million shares of the energy resources infrastructure company PT Astrindo Nusantara Infrastruktur Tbk (BIPI), with a net volume of 115.92 million shares.

Shifting to green zone, net foreign volume closed at 354.80 million shares