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Foreign transactions recorded at 3.5 billion shares, resulting in -15.51 million shares in net foreign

03 May 2024 15:20

On Thursday, May 2, foreign investors were seen carrying out stock buying and selling activities of similar quantities. This can be seen by the foreign buying volume of 3.52 billion shares and the foreign selling volume of 3.54 billion shares. As a result, net foreign volume ended at -15.51 million shares. Then, like the previous day, shares of the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) were the most purchased, totaling 1.11 billion shares and a net volume of 557.18 million shares.

Foreign transactions recorded at 3.5 billion shares, resulting in -15.51 million shares in net foreign

Foreign buy drops; net foreign at -197.93 million shares

29 Apr 2024 14:06

Net foreign volume remained negative until Friday, April 26, totaling -197.93 million shares. This was driven by fewer share-buy transactions, which resulted in a total foreign buy volume of 2.92 billion shares. Foreign sell volume, on the other hand, was estimated to be 3.12 billion shares. The most shares sold belonged to the banking company PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI), namely 554.68 million shares, with a net volume of -412.37 million shares.

Foreign buy drops; net foreign at -197.93 million shares

Foreign sell reaches nearly 3 billion shares; net foreign volume at -275 million shares

29 Apr 2024 13:36

Foreign investors were seen selling more shares on Thursday, April 25, bringing the total number sold to nearly 3 billion shares. Meanwhile, the recorded foreign buying volume was only 2.72 billion shares, resulting in a net foreign volume of around -275.24 million. The most shares purchased belonged to the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) with 742.21 million shares with a net volume of 106.88 million shares, while the shares with the highest sales belonged to the banking company PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI), which sold 356.28 million shares with a net volume of -172.17 million shares.

Foreign sell reaches nearly 3 billion shares; net foreign volume at -275 million shares

The volumes of foreign sell and buy differ slightly; net foreign volume closed at -105.25 million shares

20 Apr 2024 14:05

Foreign investors' sell and buy transactions on Friday, April 19, concluded at comparable outcomes. Foreign buy volume stood at 3.35 billion shares, while foreign sell volume was 3.46 billion shares. As a result, net foreign volume closed at -105.25 million shares. The coal mining company PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) was on the top buy list, with 164.52 million shares purchased for a net volume of 131.25 million shares. Meanwhile, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) ranked first in the top sell list, with 150.03 million shares sold and a net volume of -77.94 million shares.

The volumes of foreign sell and buy differ slightly; net foreign volume closed at -105.25 million shares

Foreign transaction volumes reached 3 billion; net foreign is 110 million shares in the red

19 Apr 2024 10:45

On Thursday, April 18, foreign investors bought and sold roughly 3 billion shares. Foreign sales were recorded at 3.12 billion shares, while foreign purchases totaled 3.01 billion. As a result, the foreign net volume was reported in the red, albeit only around 110.56 million shares. The most shares released by foreigners this time were 207.21 million shares of PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (TLKM), which also had the lowest net volume of -85.50 million shares. In contrast, PT Astrindo Nusantara Infrastruktur Tbk (BIPI) had the highest net volume, 102.40 million shares, after 112.94 million shares were purchased by foreigners.

Foreign transaction volumes reached 3 billion; net foreign is 110 million shares in the red

Gojek Tokopedia shares sold up to 1 billion shares; net foreign is -368.35 million shares

19 Apr 2024 10:42

On Wednesday, April 17, foreign investors sold 1.19 billion shares of the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) for a net volume of -168.46 million shares. This transaction was one of the reasons why the foreign selling volume (3.43 billion shares) exceeded the foreign buying volume (3.06 billion shares). As a result, net foreign volume concluded at -368.35 million shares.

Gojek Tokopedia shares sold up to 1 billion shares; net foreign is -368.35 million shares

T. Permadi Rachmat now owns 5.12% of Adi Sarana (ASSA) after purchasing 188 million shares

06 Mar 2024 16:15

An individual investor, T. Permadi Rachmat, began the month of March by purchasing 188.84 million shares of PT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk (ASSA) on Friday, March 3. He completed this transaction through the securities of PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk and PT Bahana Sekuritas, which promptly transferred ownership of 5.12% of the issuer that provided transportation and logistics services to him.

T. Permadi Rachmat now owns 5.12% of Adi Sarana (ASSA) after purchasing 188 million shares

Boy Thohir amd two new investors purchase billions of shares of Essa Industries (ESSA)

04 Mar 2024 13:53

On Thursday, February 29, businessman Garibaldi Thohir, also known as Boy Thohir, acquired 1.47 billion shares in PT Essa Industries Indonesia Tbk (ESSA). Boy's ownership of the LPG and ammonia refinery companies increased from 5.55% to 14.14% as a result of this spending. Two new investors also purchased a significant amount of ESSA shares this time around. PT Akraya International purchased 1.29 billion shares, or the equivalent of 7.5% ownership. Subsequently, 1.20 billion ESSA shares were purchased by individual investor T. Permadi Rachmat, giving him a final ownership stake of 7.02%.

Boy Thohir amd two new investors purchase billions of shares of Essa Industries (ESSA)

Foreign selling volume surges: net foreign volume falls drastically to -1.12 billion shares

29 Feb 2024 13:11

On Tuesday, February 27, foreign investors were actively selling shares, making the foreign sales volume surge to around 4.15 billion shares. With foreign buying volume at only 3.02 billion shares, net foreign volume dropped dramatically to -1.12 billion shares. As on the previous day, the most sold shares were those of the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO), with 2.09 billion shares sold and a net volume of -1.04 billion shares.

Foreign selling volume surges: net foreign volume falls drastically to -1.12 billion shares