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Robby Adijaya joins Ginting Jaya Energi (WOWS) as new 5% shareholder

18 Nov 2024 19:58

Robby Adijaya, an investor, acquired shares in PT Ginting Jaya Energi Tbk (WOWS) on Thursday, November 14. With a 5.11% stake, this individual investor purchased 126.56 million shares through PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk and four additional securities firms. WOWS is an oil and gas contractor with a focus on procurement and rig services.

Robby Adijaya joins Ginting Jaya Energi (WOWS) as new 5% shareholder

Three Vale Indonesia (INCO) investors reported decline in share portion

09 Jul 2024 11:32

As a result of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk's (INCO) divestment, three of its largest investors saw a decrease in share portion but no change in the number of shares owned on Wednesday, July 3. The state-owned company PT Mineral Industri Indonesia (Persero), which owns 3.58 billion shares in this nickel mining company, saw its share percentage fell from 34.03% to 34%. Then, foreign investor Vale Canada Limited saw its share portion fall from 33.91% to 33.88% of the 3.57 billion shares it owned. Finally, Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd., another foreign investor with 1.21 billion shares, saw a decrease in share ownership from 11.5% to 11.48.

Three Vale Indonesia (INCO) investors reported decline in share portion

Teladan Investama acquires 2.77 billion shares of NET TV from Sinergi Lintas Media

24 Jun 2024 18:21

On Thursday, June 20, the controller of media holding company PT Net Visi Media Tbk (NETV) transferred more than 2.77 billion shares to a new investor. The new investor was PT Teladan Investama, which acquired these shares from the controller, PT Sinergi Lintas Media, giving it approximately 11.84% ownership. Sinergi Lintas Media's ownership of NETV shares then fell from 71.43% to 59.58%.

Teladan Investama acquires 2.77 billion shares of NET TV from Sinergi Lintas Media

Sinar Nusantara acquires 5.94% stake in Resources Alam (KKGI)

05 Jun 2024 15:59

At the end of May, the coal mining company PT Resource Alam Indonesia Tbk (KKGI) welcomed a new foreign investor, Sinar Nusantara Sdn Bhd. On Friday, May 31, approximately 296.96 million shares of this coal mining company were purchased, making Sinar Nusantara the new owner of 5.94% of the shares. In addition, Dimas Adiarso Putro purchased 53.78 million shares of PT Anugerah Spareparts Sejahtera Tbk (AEGS), an issuer in the motor vehicle filter industry, to acquire a new 5.35% stake.

Sinar Nusantara acquires 5.94% stake in Resources Alam (KKGI)