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2.31 billion shares of VKTR Technology (VKTR) claimed by Mandala Raya Yuwana

18 Jul 2024 14:46

At PT VKTR Teknologi Mobilitas Tbk (VKTR), a company that manufactures electric vehicles, there was a significant share transfer on Thursday, July 11. Through PT Ciptadana Sekuritas Asia, a new investor named PT Mandala Raya Yuwana was observed claiming ownership of 2.31 billion shares, meaning that it directly owns a share portion of 5.29%. In the meantime, 975 million shares were released by PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk, the controller of VKTR, reducing ownership from 45.55% to 43.32%. PT BNC Sekuritas Indonesia was in charge of overseeing this particular transaction. Additionally, PT Arthakencana Rayatama bought more shares by acquiring 30.99 million of PT AKR Corporindo Tbk (AKRA).

2.31 billion shares of VKTR Technology (VKTR) claimed by Mandala Raya Yuwana

Pudjiadi Prestige (PUDP) investors saw their shares double after 1:2 stock split

11 Jul 2024 21:16

On Monday, July 8, PT Pudjiadi Prestige Tbk (PUDP), a construction and real estate issuer, conducted a 1:2 stock split. As a result, the issuer's investors received twice as many shares. PT Istana Kuta Ratu Prestige, which owns 44.54% of PUDP shares, previously held 146.77 million shares but now has 293.54 million. Aside from that, individual investor Lenawati Setiadi P., who previously owned 73.89 million shares, now owns 147.79 million shares, representing a 22.42% stake.

Pudjiadi Prestige (PUDP) investors saw their shares double after 1:2 stock split

Lim Susan purchased 513 million Taxi Express (TAXI) shares

09 Jul 2024 15:29

On Thursday, July 4, taxi service provider PT Express Transindo Utama Tbk (TAXI) welcomed Lim Susan as a new investor. She purchased 513.45 million TAXI shares, acquiring a 5.02% share portion immediately. Aside from that, foreign investor Maybank Global Growth Fund VCC-Maybank Global Growth Fund 1 became PT Citra Borneo Utama Tbk (CBUT), the palm oil company's newest investor, owning 10.34% of its shares. Maybank Global obtained this ownership by purchasing 323.18 million shares of CBUT.

Lim Susan purchased 513 million Taxi Express (TAXI) shares

Rights issue causes slight drop in share portion of two major investors in Trans Power Marine (TPMA)

08 Jul 2024 17:15

On Tuesday, July 2, two large investors in PT Trans Power Marine Tbk (TPMA) reported a slight decrease in the portion of their shares due to the rights issue conducted by the issuer of maritime transportation services. First, PT Dwitunggal Perkasa Mandiri, which owns nearly 1.5 billion TPMA shares, previously controlled 54.83% of its stakes. However, this investor now owns only 54.26% of the shares. Then, with 3115.89 million shares, PT Patin Resources' shares fell from 11.55% to 11.43%.

Rights issue causes slight drop in share portion of two major investors in Trans Power Marine (TPMA)

Bakrie Metal sold over 3 billion shares of VKTR Teknologi (VKTR)

27 Jun 2024 16:13

On Monday, June 24, PT Bakrie Metal Industries released over 3.09 billion shares of PT VKTR Teknologi Mobilitas Tbk (VKTR) via PT BNC Sekuritas Indonesia. Previously, Bakrie Metal owned 22.05% of VKTR's stock, but this transaction reduced its ownership to 14.98%. VKTR itself is an electric vehicle company. Aside from that, the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes at the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia sold 150 million shares of the building construction company PT Totalindo Eka Persada Tbk (TOPS), also known as Totalindo, with the remaining shares amounting to 5.34%.

Bakrie Metal sold over 3 billion shares of VKTR Teknologi (VKTR)

Samudera Prawiradjaja acquires 41% of Campina (CAMP) shares from Sabana Prawira Widjaja

19 Jun 2024 17:38

On Thursday, June 13, PT Campina Ice Cream Industry Tbk (CAMP) witnessed the acquisition of 2.41 billion of its shares. Sabana Prawira Widjaja, who had previously controlled 83.94% of CAMP's shares, transferred those shares to Samudera Prawirawidjaja, lowering his shareholding to 42.94%. Samudera now owns 41% of CAMP's shares.

Samudera Prawiradjaja acquires 41% of Campina (CAMP) shares from Sabana Prawira Widjaja

Megapratama Karya annexes 10% of Siloam Hospitals' (SILO) shares

06 Jun 2024 14:53

On Tuesday, June 4, market hints began with PT Megapratama Karya Persada purchasing 1.35 billion shares of health service provider PT Siloam International Hospitals Tbk (SILO). Following the completion of the transaction facilitated by PT Ciptadana Sekuritas Asia, this new investor received an immediate share ownership of 10.4%. On the other hand, the controller of PT Hotel Candi Baru made a large-scale share reduction by selling 7.84 billion shares of the herbal medicine and pharmaceutical company PT Industri Jamu Dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk (SIDO). This investor previously owned 68.14% but now only owns approximately 42%.

Megapratama Karya annexes 10% of Siloam Hospitals' (SILO) shares