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Foreign share purchases surges, net foreign volume surplus at 497.49 million shares

15 Oct 2024 17:46

Foreign investors upped their share-buying activities on Monday, October 14, totaling 4.69 billion shares. The digital corporation PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) had the largest share bought for around 47% of the overall foreign purchase volume, or 2.23 billion shares, with a net volume of 373.02 million shares. The foreign sales volume stood at 4.20 billion shares. The discrepancy between purchasing and selling volumes resulted in a net foreign volume surplus of 497.49 million shares.

Foreign share purchases surges, net foreign volume surplus at 497.49 million shares

Share purchase transactions recorded larger, net foreign volume surplus at 426.93 million shares

30 Sep 2024 10:02

Foreign investors bought more shares on Friday, September 27, than they sold. Foreign purchasing volume was recorded at 4.53 billion shares, while foreign selling volume was 4.11 billion shares. As a result, the net foreign volume surplus at around 426.93 million shares. Foreign investors initiated share purchase transactions by buying 2.26 billion shares of the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) and resulting in a net volume of 192.76 million shares.

Share purchase transactions recorded larger, net foreign volume surplus at 426.93 million shares