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Foreign investors purchased 4.5 billion Indonesian shares, with GOTO remaining the best-selling

26 Jan 2023 16:53

On Tuesday, January 24, the volume of foreign purchases was quite astounding, reaching 4.58 billion shares. This high volume has resulted in a spectacular net foreign of 1,733,999,500 shares. Shares of PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) remain the best-selling shares after foreigners acquired 3,481,200,200 shares for a net volume of 1,800,272,100 shares.

Foreign investors purchased 4.5 billion Indonesian shares, with GOTO remaining the best-selling

Foreign trade is steady, with a positive net volume of nearly 400 million shares

26 Jan 2023 09:08

Trading by foreign investors was relatively stable at the end of the third week of January. The overall sum of shares purchased by foreigners was 2.53 billion, while the total amount sold was 2.13 billion. As a result, net foreign volume was optimistic on Friday, January 20, at 395,976,600. Once again, the net volume of PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) was recorded as being higher than the daily volume, at 466,464,900, after foreign investors purchased a total of 1,450,086,200 GOTO shares.

Foreign trade is steady, with a positive net volume of nearly 400 million shares

GOTO contributed the most to net foreign volume with a surplus of 738 million shares

23 Jan 2023 12:13

Foreign share trading was quite encouraging on Thursday, January 19. Foreign net volume closed at 730,216,600 shares in surplus because foreign purchases totaled 2.60 billion, while sales volume was only 1.87 billion. This time, PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) shares are pivotal. Foreign investors purchased 1,464,833,100 GOTO shares, bringing the net volume to 738,533,100, slightly higher than the total daily net volume.

GOTO contributed the most to net foreign volume with a surplus of 738 million shares

Foreigners sell Garuda Indonesia shares (GIAA); net volume is lower than -500 million shares

19 Jan 2023 09:26

Foreign investors sold 564,037,600 shares of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (GIAA) on Wednesday, January 18. Foreign purchases of GIAA account for only one-tenth of that total, bringing the net volume to minus 509.77 million shares. Foreign shareholders, on the other hand, purchased 1,575,382,000 shares of PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO), resulting in the highest net volume of 206.25 million shares.

Foreigners sell Garuda Indonesia shares (GIAA); net volume is lower than -500 million shares

Extraordinary! The total number of shares sold by foreigners reached 4.8 billion

19 Jan 2023 08:25

On Tuesday, January 17, the number of shares sold by foreign investors reached a fantastic figure, totaling 4,881,960,400 shares. Actually, foreign investors also purchased more than 3.51 billion shares, a significant increase from the previous days. However, due to the substantial difference between the two, net foreign volume fell to a new low of minus 1,370,903,300 this time. It is no longer surprising that the sale of PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) shares resulted in a low net foreign exchange. Foreign investors reportedly sold 3,617,815,500 GOTO shares, bringing the net volume to -1,489,983,400.

Extraordinary! The total number of shares sold by foreigners reached 4.8 billion

Foreigners sold 2.6 billion shares; the net foreign volume is minus 340.80 million

17 Jan 2023 17:55

JAKARTA - With 2.64 billion shares sold by foreign investors on Monday, January 16, the volume reached its highest point in mid-January. Foreign purchases were also quite large, totaling 2.30 billion shares, but the net volume was still minus 340.80 million shares. Foreigners sold 1.71 billion shares in PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia (GOTO), resulting in the lowest net volume of negative 399.11 million.

Foreigners sold 2.6 billion shares; the net foreign volume is minus 340.80 million