Multi Garam Utama to invest IDR 10 billion in Folka Cipta Karya
24 Nov 2023 11:04
PT Multi Garam Utama Tbk (FOLK) has allocated investment worth IDR 10 billion to PT Folk Cipta Karya (FCK).
24 Nov 2023 11:04
PT Multi Garam Utama Tbk (FOLK) has allocated investment worth IDR 10 billion to PT Folk Cipta Karya (FCK).
08 Nov 2023 15:22
PT Alakasa Industrindo Tbk (ALKA), a metal and mineral processing and trading company, has sold off one of its subsidiaries, PT Alakasa Alumina Refineri (AAR)
26 Oct 2023 08:58
PT Multi Garam Utama Tbk (FOLK), a holding company with several business lines under its belt, has granted aid for a loan facility given to one of its subsidiaries, PT Amazara Indonesia Mudakarya (AIM).
26 Sep 2023 11:57
Modalku Group managed to secure a debt funding facility worth USD 27 million, or approximately IDR 414 billion, from three institutional donors.
27 Jul 2023 16:21
PT Multi Garam Utama Tbk (FOLK), a multi-sector holding company, will begin its initial public offering (IPO) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) by issuing 570 million units of shares.
24 Jul 2023 13:58
In the midst of the current challenges, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS) as Pertamina Gas Subholding focuses on strengthening the upstream, midstream and downstream business contributions to maintain the continuity of the Company's business.
21 Jul 2023 14:30
PT Integra Indocabinet Tbk (WOOD) restructures its portion in PT Narkata Rimba (NR) to PT Belayan River Timber (BRT). After this portion transfer, BRT is now the major shareholder of NR.
09 Jun 2023 15:14
PT Indonesian Paradise Property Tbk (INPP) views 2023 optimistically after scoring significant increases in its revenue and gross profit in Q1 2023.
06 Jun 2023 10:52
PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (TLKM) reveals the plan of cash dividend distribution of IDR 16.6 trillion that will be taken out of its 2022 net profit.
05 Jun 2023 14:42
PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (TLKM) will hold a share buyback with a purchase price of IDR 3,921 per share.