PP London Sumatra Indonesia to sell 2.9 million treasury shares
01 Sep 2023 21:08
PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (LSIP), a plantation company under Salim Group, will divest 2.9 million units of its treasury shares.
01 Sep 2023 21:08
PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (LSIP), a plantation company under Salim Group, will divest 2.9 million units of its treasury shares.
22 Aug 2023 18:53
PT Electronic City Indonesia Tbk (ECII) has sold 46.8 million treasury shares at an average price of IDR 450 per share.
14 Aug 2023 09:31
PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk (SSIA) announces the plan to divest 62.6 million treasury shares to several affiliates.
04 Aug 2023 08:46
PT Harum Energy Tbk (HRUM) will transfer or sell 201.85 million units of its shares that were gained from a buyback.
11 May 2023 09:03
PT Provident Investasi Bersama Tbk (PALM) announces its plan to sell off 2,779,309 shares of its treasury stock.
29 Mar 2023 16:59
PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk (GOOD) will sell 364.48 million treasury shares.
16 Mar 2023 17:54
PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk (MPMX) announced the addition of treasury shares to be sold to 96.71 million shares.
22 Feb 2023 15:05
PT Optima Prima Metal Sinergi Tbk (OPMS), a metal goods distributor, will sell off 20 million units of its treasury stock starting from March 9, 2023.
17 Feb 2023 20:29
PT Optima Prima Metal Sinergi Tbk (OPMS) plans to sell 20 million treasury stocks obtained from a share buyback.
13 Feb 2023 20:05
PT Trisula International Tbk (TRIS), an apparel trading company, will initiate the issuance of the shares gained from its buyback, also known as treasury shares.