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Foreign shares sale transactions reach 3 billion shares, net foreign volume falls to -517.14 million

06 Aug 2024 17:35

On Monday, August 5, foreign selling volume hit 3.03 billion shares, while foreign buying volume was only 2.51 billion shares. The gap between the two caused the net foreign volume to drop at -517.14 million shares. Foreign investors began buying 788.36 million shares of the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO), resulting in a net volume of 92.24 million shares.

Foreign shares sale transactions reach 3 billion shares, net foreign volume falls to -517.14 million

Foreign investors buy big sum of Gojek Tokopedia shares, net foreign volume recorded surplus at 174.73 million

06 Aug 2024 12:30

In contrast to the previous day, shares of digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) were the most purchased on Friday, August 2, with foreign investors purchasing almost 750 million shares for a net volume of 153.57 million shares. The foreign buying volume was 2.19 billion shares, while the foreign selling volume was 2.02 billion shares. As a result, net foreign volume shifted into the green zone, closing at 174.73 million shares.

Foreign investors buy big sum of Gojek Tokopedia shares, net foreign volume recorded surplus at 174.73 million