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Entering green zone, net foreign volume surplus at 290.53 million shares

24 Jul 2024 13:53

Share buying and selling transactions by foreign investors on Monday, July 22, yielded a foreign selling volume of 1.81 billion shares and a foreign buying volume of 2.10 billion shares. As a result, foreign net volume hit the green zone, with a surplus of 290.53 million shares. Foreign investors purchased the most shares of digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO), totaling 749.99 million shares with a net volume of 265.53 million shares.

Entering green zone, net foreign volume surplus at 290.53 million shares

Foreign buying volume declines, net foreign volume closed at -323.86 million shares

24 Jul 2024 13:49

On Friday, July 19, foreign share purchase transactions fell, with the foreign purchase volume at 1.90 billion shares. Meanwhile, foreign sales volume totaled 2.23 billion shares. As a result, net foreign volume ended with -323.86 million shares. The digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) had the greatest sales volume, with 846.86 million shares sold for a net volume of -228.30 million shares.

Foreign buying volume declines, net foreign volume closed at -323.86 million shares