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Continuing to release Totalindo (TOPS) shares, Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes now only holds 5.79 percent

25 Jun 2024 18:32

The Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia had not stopped selling shares of PT Totalindo Eka Persada Tbk (TOPS), an issuer of building construction. On Friday, June 21, this investor released an additional 70 million shares, bringing its total number of shares held to 1.93 billion, or approximately 5.79%. Besides that, Tan John Tanuwijaya, the majority shareholder in PT Berdikari Pondasi Perkasa Tbk (BDKR), was still selling shares, this time for 27.54 million. His share percentage was recorded as being around 58.89%. PT Precise Pacific Realty was also recorded as selling 20 million shares of the tourism services company PT Sona Topas Tourism Industry Tbk (SONA), with the remaining shares amounting to approximately 31.65%.

Continuing to release Totalindo (TOPS) shares, Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes now only holds 5.79 percent

Foreign buy and sell volumes fall, net foreign volume closed at -242.58 million shares

25 Jun 2024 09:03

Compared to the previous trading day, foreign share buying and selling activities on Monday, June 24, were significantly lower, with foreign buying volume of only 2.14 billion shares and foreign selling volume of 2.38 billion shares. As a result, net foreign volume ended at -242.58 million shares. The shares with the highest purchases belonged to the e-commerce company PT Tbk (BUKA), which was purchased for 136.82 million shares with a net volume of 85.71 million shares, while the shares sold the most belonged to the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO), with a foreign sales volume of 904.88 million shares and a net volume of -312.03 million shares.

Foreign buy and sell volumes fall, net foreign volume closed at -242.58 million shares

Teladan Investama acquires 2.77 billion shares of NET TV from Sinergi Lintas Media

24 Jun 2024 18:21

On Thursday, June 20, the controller of media holding company PT Net Visi Media Tbk (NETV) transferred more than 2.77 billion shares to a new investor. The new investor was PT Teladan Investama, which acquired these shares from the controller, PT Sinergi Lintas Media, giving it approximately 11.84% ownership. Sinergi Lintas Media's ownership of NETV shares then fell from 71.43% to 59.58%.

Teladan Investama acquires 2.77 billion shares of NET TV from Sinergi Lintas Media

Share purchase transactions reaches 10 billion, net foreign volume posts surplus at 1.19 billion

24 Jun 2024 17:37

On Friday, June 21, foreign investors made share purchases, totaling up to 10.28 billion shares. Meanwhile, foreign sales volume only totaled 9.08 billion shares, resulting in a net foreign volume surplus of 1.19 billion shares. The digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) had the most shares purchased, totaling 6.75 billion shares and a net volume of 382.71 million shares.

Share purchase transactions reaches 10 billion, net foreign volume posts surplus at 1.19 billion

Jembo Cable (JECC) stock split 1:5, and two investors' share volume increased significantly

24 Jun 2024 17:35

On Wednesday, June 19, two large investors in PT Jembo Cable Company Tbk (JECC) saw a significant increase in their shares. This was the outcome of a 1:5 stock split carried out by this electrical and communications cable manufacturer. First, an investor named PT Monaspermata Persada gained 285.94 million more shares, bringing the total to 357.42 million, though its ownership remained at 47.28%. In addition, PT Indolife Pensiontama's total shares increased from 26.57 million to 132.89 million, accounting for 17.58% of the stake.

Jembo Cable (JECC) stock split 1:5, and two investors' share volume increased significantly