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Foreign selling volume surpasses 4 billion shares, net foreign volume drops to -1.13 billion shares

13 Jun 2024 17:37

Share sales by foreign investors on Tuesday, June 11, resulted in foreign selling volume reaching 4.06 billion shares. In addition, foreign investors also carried out share purchase transactions and recorded a foreign purchase volume of 2.93 billion shares. This huge disparity caused net foreign volume to drop to -1.13 billion shares. The digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) is still ranked #1 on the top sell list, having sold 2.22 billion shares for a net volume of -762.99 million.

Foreign selling volume surpasses 4 billion shares, net foreign volume drops to -1.13 billion shares

Reliancever Holdings invest in two MNC Group issuers

13 Jun 2024 17:32

After becoming a new PT MNC Kapital (BCAP) investor, Reliancever Holdings Inc. entered two other MNC Group issuers on Friday, June 7. First, this foreign investor bought 9.16 billion shares of the issuer, which operates in the office space rental sector, PT MNC Land Tbk (KPIG), which accounted for around 9.39% of the shares. Furthermore, approximately 5.79 billion shares of PT MNC Asia Holding Tbk (BHIT), a holding company in the investment sector, were purchased, resulting in 6.74% ownership. Even so, Reliance decided to sell approximately 96.19 million shares of financial services company BACP this time. All transactions were conducted through PT MNC Sekuritas.

Reliancever Holdings invest in two MNC Group issuers

The net foreign volume plunges to -3.14 billion shares as many GOTO shares released

12 Jun 2024 15:38

On Monday, June 10, foreign investors sold a considerable number of shares in the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO). A total of 5.18 billion GOTO shares were sold, for a net volume of -2.60 billion shares. These share sales therefore significantly boosted foreign sales volume, which rose to 6.99 billion shares. Meanwhile, foreign buying volume was only 3.85 billion shares, causing the net foreign volume to drop to -3.14 billion shares.

The net foreign volume plunges to -3.14 billion shares as many GOTO shares released

Singapore Govt acquires 1.15 billion shares of Bank Jago (ARTO)

12 Jun 2024 15:32

On Thursday, June 6, the Government of Singapore acquired 1.15 billion shares of digital banking company PT Bank Jago Tbk (ARTO) via Citibank N.A. and BUT Standard Chartered Bank. This new investor gained approximately 8.34% of ARTO shares as a result of this purchase. A new investor, Yasir Arafat Rumagiar, has also recently entered the chicken farming and slaughterhouse issuer PT Janu Putra Sejahtera Tbk (AYAM), purchasing 201.63 million shares. This individual investor immediately owns 5.04% of the shares.

Singapore Govt acquires 1.15 billion shares of Bank Jago (ARTO)