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Net foreign volume drops to -263.46 million shares; Telkom Indonesia (TLKM) shows largest loss

28 Mar 2024 11:34

On Wednesday, March 27, the foreign sell volume climbed, reaching 3.07 billion shares. Meanwhile, foreign buy volume was only 2.81 billion shares, bringing the net foreign volume down to -263.46 million shares. After foreign investors sold its 351.14 million shares, shares of the state-owned telecoms operator PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (TLKM) ranked first on the top-selling list with the lowest net volume of -252.05 million shares.

Net foreign volume drops to -263.46 million shares; Telkom Indonesia (TLKM) shows largest loss

Foreign share transactions increase: net foreign volume only 58.99 million shares surplus

27 Mar 2024 14:33

Foreign purchases and sales of shares increased in volume on Tuesday, March 26, compared to the previous trading day. Foreign buy volume was around 3.44 billion shares, while foreign sell volume was 3.38 billion shares. The increased foreign buying volume resulted in a surplus in net foreign volume, although it was only around 58.99 million shares.

Foreign share transactions increase: net foreign volume only 58.99 million shares surplus