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Two investors are involved in the share ownership transfer at Hassana Boga Sejahtera (NAYZ)

09 Feb 2024 16:13

On Monday, February 5, shares of PT Hassana Boga Sejahtera Tbk (NAYZ), a baby food company, changed hands. PT Hassana Investa Utama transferred 320 million NAYZ shares to PT Asia Intrainvesta, resulting in a final ownership of 28.24%. Interestingly, Hassana Investa retained approximately 28.24% of its stake.

Two investors are involved in the share ownership transfer at Hassana Boga Sejahtera (NAYZ)

Foreign selling volume soars; net foreign volume drops to negative 1 billion shares.

09 Feb 2024 15:57

On Tuesday, February 6, foreign sell volume exceeded 3.70 billion shares, while foreign buying volume was only 2.50 billion shares. As a result, net foreign volume dropped to -1.19 billion shares. One of the factors contributing to the surge in foreign sales volume was the sale of 2.41 billion shares of the digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO), resulting in a net volume of -1.66 billion shares.

Foreign selling volume soars; net foreign volume drops to negative 1 billion shares.

Resources Fortune becomes a new investor in Nusantara Sawit Sejahtera (NSSS) after purchasing 1.48 billion shares

09 Feb 2024 15:47

PT Nusantara Sawit Sejahtera Tbk (NSSS), which operates in the agriculture and palm oil plantation sectors, welcomed Resources Fortune Ltd. as a new investor on Friday, February 2. Resources Fortune purchased 1.48 billion NSSS shares as part of its new share investment, giving it 6.24% share ownership. However, at the same time, PT Mitra Agro Dharma Unggul sold 500 million NSSS shares instead, leaving a share ownership of around 44.84%.

Resources Fortune becomes a new investor in Nusantara Sawit Sejahtera (NSSS) after purchasing 1.48 billion shares

Foreign investors sell a large portion of Gojek Tokopedia (GOTO) shares; net foreign volume is minus 511 million shares

02 Feb 2024 14:50

After being the best-selling stock the day before, shares of digital company PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO) are now the most sold by foreign investors, with a buying volume of 1.14 billion shares and a net volume of -656.49 million. As a result, foreign selling volume surged to 2.76 billion shares, while foreign buying volume was only about 2.25 billion shares. Net foreign fell back into the red zone, totaling roughly -511.87 million shares on Thursday, February 1.

Foreign investors sell a large portion of Gojek Tokopedia (GOTO) shares; net foreign volume is minus 511 million shares

Foreign purchases of GOTO rose; net foreign volume remained positive at 387 million shares

01 Mar 2023 18:25

Following the previous day's positive net foreign, good news from foreign investor trading returned on Friday, February 24. The total amount of shares purchased by foreigners increased to 2.54 billion, with 1.32 billion shares purchased from PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (GOTO). GOTO also had the highest net volume, with over 422 million shares.

Foreign purchases of GOTO rose; net foreign volume remained positive at 387 million shares